What came first: the Johnny Bravo band or television show?

What Johnny Bravo came first?

The band released a studio album in 1996, and the television show debuted in 1997. So the show must have gotten its name from the band? Not quite.

To understand this crazy coincidence we have to look into where the origin of the name, Johnny Bravo began.

The Brady Bunch S5 E1: Adios, Johnny Bravo

In The Brady Bunch, the character Greg Brady, played by Barry Williams, once adopted the stage name Johnny Bravo. This occurred in a specific episode titled Adios, Johnny Bravo, which is part of the fifth season of the show.

In this episode, Greg is approached by talent scouts who are looking for a new pop music star. He fits into a suit that they say is meant for the “next big thing,” leading him to adopt the name Johnny Bravo. Greg becomes momentarily swept up in the excitement of potential fame, neglecting his family values and commitments. However, he soon learns that he was chosen not for his musical talent but because he “fit the suit.” This realization leads to an important lesson about humility and staying true to one’s self.

The Johnny Bravo episode is often remembered as a significant and memorable moment in The Brady Bunch series, highlighting themes of fame, integrity, and the importance of family. IMDb

Both creations inspired by Greg's stage name

According to an article on Last.fm, the ‘zero-hit wonder’ band, Johnny Bravo was inspired by the Brady Bunch’s Greg Brady flirting with almost-fame under the record-exec’s-imposed name and personna, Johnny Bravo.

The name Johnny Bravo, as used for the titular character in the animated series created by Van Partible, was inspired by a specific episode from the same Brady Bunch episode. Additionally, Van Partible’s own middle name, Giovanni Bravo, which is the Italian equivalent of “Johnny,” also contributed to the naming of the character. This blend of a pop culture reference and personal connection led to the iconic name of the animated series’ lead character, Johnny Bravo. IMDb Trivia

The Johnny Bravo Band

Assuming you know the television show, I won’t rehash what’s already all over the internet. However for the band it’s pretty sad they didn’t get some traction with their debut album. There is glaring problems with the songs as they often repeated the same vocal lines and felt generic because of it. The tone of the band’s genre felt very familiar to other rock bands from the late 90s. They even had Ric Ocasek of The Cars produce the album with Arista Records.

You should check the band out for yourself on Spotify. My personal favorite is a song called “Used to be cool“. The name of that song was what led me to think the band was singing about the cartoon character.

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