Wordart.com is a free website that allows users on the internet to create custom font art using a list of WordArt styles. From its initial release on Microsoft Windows 95, WordArt has helped jazz up millions of book reports, signs, logos, and presentations. It was widely available and user-friendly, which lead to its use and abuse throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s.
The creator needs your help!
Here’s the truth… This site gets over 100,000 visitors a month for the last 5 years. There have been over 1 billion instances of WordArt created. And the server keeps costing more each year. In order to keep this site running, they need donations.
Consider donating to Michael McMillan’s project here. It’s a great tool that will likely have to shut down if not supported by its community. It’s also an ad free site.
The website is stylized like the windows 95 operating system. With tons of fun options in the menu to explore.
I originally found this tool when trying to search for the word font text to create a Discord emote. This useful free and simple tool can be used to create amazing text designs. It will take a little bit of tinkering to understand how it works. What makes the editing process nice is that each WordArt phrase can then be size manipulated at any time.
When paired with another website like Remove BG, a site which removes backgrounds to create transparent PNGs. Combining these two websites, you can get emojis to use with friends and online communities with little editing.